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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Structures & Technology

The projects continue to amaze us and are a definite hit!  The groups are really putting in their thoughts and creative detail.  As a class, we picked a specific building that went along with our Social Studies Common Core curriculum. Some of the choices were the Twin Towers, Panama Canal, Fort Sumter, Berlin Wall, and the Pentagon. Lots of research was done in phase one of the unit. Students used books, iPads, our new Chrome laptop, along with our classroom desktops to find out the information for dimensions, where the structure is/was located, what materials were used to build it, and more fun facts.

Then, using the research found they created a Prezi with all of the information collected. Students really had a blast creating their Prezis, and it continues to blow my mind to watch them use the computer to make such dynamite presentations. This is a skill many adults work hard to master, and our class has it going on! Here are some examples!

We are nearly finished and will upload our videos of our final presentation soon, so check back!

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