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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Modeling Decimals!

Video 1: MODELING division of decimals and whole numbers

Video 2: MODELING division of decimals and decimals

You all MAY show the actual division!!! This lesson is all about MODELING division with decimals. In this case, a mathematical model is a representation of a math problem through base ten blocks or pictures.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Turn of the Century - Homework

We are so glad you all are back! I am glad you each had a nice and relaxing break!

Check out this video and bring in your work to check in the morning!

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Why do we ask you to read EVERY night?

Why do we ask you to read for homework every night?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pumpkin Chunkin'

Sounds fun, right? It sure was!

We wrote down our essential question, hypothesis, materials, became familiar with our procedures, and started chunkin' the pumpkins with our catapult!

Our goal was to find out the effect that weight has on distance?

Our candy pumpkins were put to the test. We came to the conclusion that the Peeps pumpkin flew the greatest distance and it was the lightest one!

Happy Halloween! Be safe and get lots of candy! Just remember to leave it at home!